Docket No. 4206 - National Grid's Revenue Decoupling Mechanism ("RDM") Proposal for Gas and Electric (filed October 18, 2010)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Commission issues Report and Order No. 20745 on National Grid's Revenue Decoupling Mechanism proposal . Written Order issued 5/25/12.
- Procedural Schedule for Docket. Post Hearing Briefs due date was changed to June 27, 2011. Open meeting decision date to be announced.
- Notice of Hearing - Evidentiary hearing scheduled May 17, 2011 at PUC's office
Testimony and pleadings filed by National Grid:
- National Grid (NGrid) - Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Proposal, comprising of the testimony and supporting schedules of witnesses Jennifer B. Feinstein and Jeanne A. Lloyd in support of proposed RDMs for electric and gas and associated tariff provisions under the proposed RDM (10/18/10)
- National Grid - Rebuttal testimony of witnesses Jennifer B. Feinstein and Jeanne A. Lloyd (4/18/11)
- National Grid - Brief Regarding Proposed Limitation on Annual RDM Reconciliations (4/18/11)
- National Grid - Post-Hearing Brief (7/5/11)
Testimony, briefs & pleadings filed by the Division of Public Utilities & Carriers and Intervenors:
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (Division) - Direct testimony of Bruce Oliver (3/21/11)
- Division - Surrebuttal testimony of Bruce Oliver (5/6/11)
- Division - Post-Hearing Brief (7/5/11)
- The Energy Council (TEC-RI) - Motion to Intervene (11/23/10)
- Environment Northeast (ENE) - Motion to Intervene (12/3/10)
- ENE - Post-Hearing Brief (7/5/11)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Motion to Intervene (12/3/10)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion to Intervene (12/5/10)
- The George Wiley Center - Brief (6/22/11)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Comments (12/21/10)
Pleadings Relating to National Grid's Motion to Transfer Backup Rates Testimony:
- National Grid - Motion to Transfer Backup Rates Testimony submitted by TEC-RI to Docket No. 4232 (4/5/11)
- TEC-RI - Objection to NGrid's Motion to Transfer Backup Rates Testimony (4/15/11)
- Environment Northeast - Comments on National Grid's Motion to Transfer Backup Rates Testimony (4/25/11)
- Commission Order No. 20350 granting National Grid's Motion to Transfer Backup Rates Testimony. Written issued 5/10/11.
- TEC-RI - Motion to Withdraw (5/6/11)
- Division of Public Utilities - Motion to Strike Testimony of William H. Ferguson (5/16/11) - The Commission granted the Division's Motion to Strike at the bench on May 17, 2011.
Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (11/18/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (11/30/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 3rd set of data requests (12/10/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's record requests (6/10/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (12/10/10)
- National Grid - Corrected response to Division Data Request 1-4 (1/18/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division Data Requests 1-8 and 1-18 Attachment C(4/18/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division Data Requests 1-19 (4/29/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (12/10/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data request 1-6 and 1-9 (1/26/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data requests 1-2 and 1-3 (1/28/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's Data Request 3-1 (5/13/11)