Docket No. 4255 - United Water Rhode Island - Rate application to collect additional operating revenue of $1,218,702 to support a total cost of service of $4,077,004 (filed 6/3/11)
Status of Docket: Closed.
Commission issues Report and Order No. 20782 authorizing United Water to collect additional operating revenues of $941,834 for a total cost of service of $3,817,598 and approving new rates effective January 12,. 2012. Wirtten Order issued 8/1/12.
Procedural Schedule for Docket
Notice of Public Hearings - Public hearing on 9/16/11 @ 6:00 PM at Town of South Kingstwon, Wakefield, RI. Evidentiary hearing commences on 1/10/12 at PUC's offices.
Filings and pleadings submitted by United Water Rhode Island:
- Direct testimony of Timothy J. Michaelson
- Rebuttal testimony of Timothy J. Michaelson (11/8/11)
- Direct testimony of Obioma (Obie) N. Ugboaja
- Direct testimony of Pauline M. Ahern
- Rebuttal testimony of Pauline M. Ahern (11/8/11)
- Direct testimony of Stanley J. Knox
- Direct testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock
- Direct testimony of Thomas Lippai
- Rebuttal testimony of Thomas Lippai (11/8/11)
- Settlement Agreement between United Water and the Division of Public Utilities. The Settlement will allow United Water to collect additional operating revenues of $941,834 or 32.8% (12/23/11)
- Compliance Tariffs in conformance with Settlement Agreement (1/11/12)
Filings and pleading submitted by the Division and Intervenor(s):
- Town of South Kingstown - Motion to Intervene
- Division of Public Utilities (Division) - Direct testimony of Thomas Catlin (9/30/11)
- Division - Direct testimony of Matthew I. Kahal (9/30/11)
- Division - Direct tetimony Jerome D. Mierzwa (9/30/11)
Responses to Data Requests:
- United Water - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests and Motion for Confidential Treatment of Data Response DIV 1-10 (7/14/11)
- United Water - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (7/14/11)
- United Water - Responses to Division's 3rd set of data requests and supplemental responses to DIV 2-3 and DIV 2-4 (8-8-11)
- United Water - Responses to Division's 4th set of data request and Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information Division 4-4. (8/30/11)
- United Water - Responses to Division's 5th set of data requests (9/7//11)
- United Water - Supplemental response to Division 5-4. (9/8/11)
- United Water - Responses to Division's 6th set of data requests and supplemental responses to Division 2-3, 2-4 and Div. 4-9. (9/8/11)
- United Water - Responses to Division's 7th and Division's 8th set of data requests and supplemental response to Division's 4-6 data request (9/14/11)
- United Water - Supplemental responses to Division's data requests DIV 2-3 and DIV 2-4 (10/5/11)
- United Water - Supplemental responses to Division's data requests DIV 2-3(d) and DIV 2-4(d) (11/3/11)