Docket No. 4513 - Proceeding to Establish a Pilot Metering Program for Municipal-Owned Streetlights (7/25/14)
Status of docket: Closed.
- Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Memorandum To Open Docket
- Notice of Hearing - scheduled January 21, 2015
- National Grid’s Street light Metering Pilot Proposal (10/23/14)
- The RI League of Cities and Towns and the Washington County Regional Planning Councils’ (Municipalities) Objection to National Grid's proposal (10/30/14)
- National Grid - Joint pre-filed testimony of witnesses John Walter, Jeffrey Martin, Jeanne Lloyd and Larry Durante in support of metering pilot proposal (12/10/14)
- Municipalities - Supplemental Testimony of George Woodbury and Testimony of Kenneth Mason (1/7/15)
- Division of Public Utilities - Comments (1/7/15)
- Joint Request for an Extension of Time to reach a negotiated resolution regarding the streetlight metering pilot (1/22/15)
- National Grid - Revised Street Light Metering Pilot Proposal (3/23/15)
- Municipalities - Objection to National Grid's Revised Street Light Metering Proposal (3/25/15)
- PUC - Memorandum to the Parties (4/8/15)
- Division - Memorandum of Richad Hahn in response to questions posed by the PUC (4/30/15)
- Office of Energy Resources (OER) - Letter in response to questions posed by the PUC (4/30/15)
- Municipalities - Reply to Division's Memoradum (5/5/15)
- PUC Order No. 22413 approving National Grid's March 23, 2015 street light metering pilot with modifications, and approving a cost recovery proposal for pilot. Order issued 5/20/16.
- Responses to Data Requests (Years 2014 - 2016):
- National Grid’s responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (12/29/14)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (11/21/14)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's 2nd and 3rd Set of Data Requests (6/25/15)
- Municipalities' response to PUC's 1st set of Data Requests (11/21/14)
- Municipalities' response to the PUC’s 2nd Set of Data Rrequests (6/12/15)
- Office of Energy Resources's resposes to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (5/19/15)
- National Grid's response to Municipalities' 1st Set of Data Request (1/12/15)
- Municipalities - Motion to Reopen (1/17/18)
- Procedural Schedule for matter relating to National Grid's Street Light Metering Pilot Final Report
- Municipalities (PRISM) testimony of George Woodbury (10/1/18)
- Municipalities (PRISM) testimony of William A .White III (10/1/18)
- National Grid's Rebuttal Testimony in response the testimony submitted by PRISM (12/3/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Testimony of Gregory Booth (1/29/19)
- Responses to Data Requests (Years 2018 - 2019):
- PUC Order No. 23638 approving National Grid's Pilot Metering Program for Municipal Owned Streetlights Final Report. Order issued 7/25/19.
Compliance Filings and Reporting Requirements:
- National Grid's Compliance Filing pursuant to Open Meeting decision on July 1, 2015, Street Light Metering Pilot and Metering Pilot Cost Recovery Provision (7/27/15)
- National Grid’s First Status Report Regarding the Street Light Metering Pilot (2/22/16)
- National Grid's Second Status Report Regarding the Street Light Metering Pilot (12/21/16)
- PUC's Memorandum Regarding Status Report and Procedural Schedule (1/17/17)
- National Grid' and the Municipalities Joint Report on consensus or lack of consensus reached on developing and implementing a r revised work plan designed to achieve the goas set forth in the PUC Order establishing this docket (2/17/17)
- National Grid's Street Light Metering Pilot Final Report (11/20/17)
- Municipalities and RI Streetlight Management:
- Pre-filed Testimony of William White III (10/1/18)
- Pre-filed Testimony of George Woodbury (10/1/18)
- National Grid's Rebuttal Testimony (12/3/18)
Link to Docket No. 4442 relating to metering for street lighting