Docket No. 4056 - National Grid Gas ("NGrid") - Tariff Advice to Amend RIPUC NG-Gas No. 101 to Eliminate Non-Firm sales Service and Update Transportation Service Agreement
Status of Docket: Closed
- National Grid - Tariff filing to eliminate the Non-Firm Sale Service (filed 5/1/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Position and recommendation regarding NGrid's tariff filing (5/18/09)
- The Energy Council of RI - Comments on NGrid's tariff filing (5/27/09)
- National Grid - Amendment to intial tariff filing (5/28/09)
- PUC suspended the National Grid's tariff for further examination on May 28 open meeting.
- The Energy Council of RI - Response to National Grid's May 28 proposal to modify the Non-Firm Service Tariff (6/16/09)
- National Grid - Compliance tariff filing in conformance with PUC's ruling at open meeting held June 25, 2009 (6/29/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19712 approving National Grid's proposal to eliminate Non-Firm Sales and update the current transportation agreement. Written Order issued 7/16/09.