Docket No. 4434 - United Water Rhode Island - Rate filing to collect additional revenues of $1,563,153 for support total COS of $5,233,419, or 42.59% (filed 8/13/13)
Status of Docket: Closed.
PUC Order No. 21593 authorizing United Water to collect additional revenues of $1,200,706 effective for usage on and after May 13, 2014. Written Order issued 9/2/14.
Procedural Schedule - Evideniary hearings comments April 14, 2104 @ 9:30 A.M.
Notice of Public Hearings
United Water RI - Rate application to collect additional revenues of $1,563,153 or 42.59% over current revenues, includes transmittal letter, current and proposed tariffs & supporting documents in compliance with Section 2.5 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. The application including the testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses in suport of the rate application:
- Direct Testimony of Stanley J. Knox - Company Overview
- Direct Testimony of Gary S. Prettyman - Overall Revenue Requirement & FIT
- Rebuttal Testimony of Gary S. Prettyman
- Direct testimony of Obioma (Obie) N. Ugboaja - Revenues
- Direct Testimony of Elda Gil - O&M Expenses
- Rebuttal testimony of Elda Gil
- Direct Testimony Timothy J. Michaelson - Rate Base
- Direct Testimony of Paula L. McEvoy - Capital Projects
- Exhibits & Schedules of the above witnesses (Exhibits 1-5)
- Direct Testimony & Exhibits of Pauline M. Ahern - Cost of Capital
- Rebuttal Testimony of Pauline M. Ahern
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct Testimony of Thomas Catlin (2/3/14)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct Testimony of Matthew Kahal (2/3/14)
- Town of South Kingstown - Motion to Intervene (8/23/13)
- Town of Narragansett - Motion to Intervene (9/2/13)
- The Union Fire District of South Kingstown - Motion to Intervene (9/9/13)
- Intervenors' Joint Direct Testimony of David Bebyn (2/8/14)
- Settlement Agreement jointly submitted by United Water RI and the Division of Public Utilities (3/28/14)
- United Water RI - Comparisons of the Division and United Water in their respective testimonies as compared to the Settlement Agreement reached by the parties (4/3/14)
- Division's Statement in Support of Settlement Agreement (4/4/14)
- Town of South Kingstown's letter in support of Settlement Agreement (4/3/14)
- United Water's Statement In Support Of Settlement Agreement (4/10/14)
- United Water's Revised Joint Settlement Schedules and Compliance Tariffs (5/12/14)
- Division - Memorandum on United Water's Compliance Tariff Filing
- United Water's responses to Division's First Set of Data Requests (9/27 & 9/30/13)
- United Water's responses to Division's Second Set of Data Requests (10/10/13)
- United Water's responses to Division's Third Set of Data Requests (12/5/13)
- United Water's responses to Division’s Fourth Set of Data Requests (1/8/13)
- United Water's responses to Division's Fourth Set of Data Requests 4-3 & 4-19
- United Water's responses to Division's Fourth Set Data Request 4-7
- United Water's responses to the Towns of South Kingstown and Narragansett, and the Union Fire District (1/8/13)
- United Water's responses to Hearing Record Requests (4/17/14)
- Division's responses to United Water's First Set of Data Requests (2/24/14)
- Attachments to United Water's data request 1-4 (Mr. Kahal's last five testimony and exhibits related to rate of return)
- Attachments to United Water's data request 1-4(More of Mr. Kahal testimony continues)