Docket No. 3800 - City of Woonsocket Water Division - Application for authority to implement new rates designed to general additional operating revenues of $1,720,064 or 24.92% Status of docket: Closed. Woonsocket Water - Rate application, current & proposed rates and filing requirement in compliance with Section 2.9 of PUC rules. The application includes testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses: Direct testimony of Carol C. Lariviere (12/8/06) Direct testimony of Maureen E. Gurghigian (12/8/06) Direct testimony of David G. Bebyn (12/8/06) Direct testimony of Walter E. Edge (12/8/06) Rebuttal tetimony of Walter E. Edge (4/20/06) Procedural Schedule for docket Notice of Public Hearings at Woosocket City Hall and at PUC's office Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of Andrea C. Crane (3/23/07) Settlement Agreement reached between the Woonsocket Water Division and the Division of Public Utilities. The parties agree to additional revenue requirement of $1,136,317 or 16.02% over Woonsocket Water current rate revenues. (filed 5/11/07) Amended Settlement between the Woonsocket Water Division and Division of Public Utilities (6/13/07) Woonsocket Water - Revised tariffs in compliance with PUC's open meeting decision approving the Amended Settlement and rates (7/31/07) PUC issues Report and Order No. 19034 approving new rates and authorizing Woonsocket Water to collect additional revenues of $1,091,664 or 15.3%, for a total cost of service of $8,227,316 effective July 1, 2007. Written Order issued 8/8/07. Response to Data Requests: Woonsocket Water - Response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (2/2/07) Woonsocket Water - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (2/2/07) Woonsocket Water - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (3/9/07) Woonsocket Water - Response to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (5/17/07)