Docket No. 4692 - The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's 2018 Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan and 2018 Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Procurement Plan (filed March 1, 2017)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- National Grid's 2018 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan
- National Grid's 2018 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Memorandum on National Grid's 2018 SOS and RES Procurement Plans (3/24/17)
- PUC Order 22774 issued to National Grid on its proposed 2018 SOS Procurement Plan and 2018 RES Procurement Plan. Written Order issued 5/12/17
Compliance Reports and Filings Relating to National Grid's 2018 Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Charge & Reconciliation, including RES Summary of Bids Reports:
- National Grid's proposed 2018 RES Charge and Reconciliation for effect April 1, 2018. This filing provides the calculation of the proposed RES Charge for 2018, the RES reconciliation for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. (filed 2/27/18)
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing - scheduled March 28, 2018 @ 9;30 AM
- National Grid's responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (3/9/18)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Richard Hahn, Matthew Loiacono, and Carlo Bencomo-Jasso (3/19/18)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing - Revised Tariff Sheets - RIPUC No. 2095 & RIPUC No. 2096 (4/3/18)
- National Grid's response to record requests issued at the March 28, 2018 evidentiary hearing (4/10/18)
- PUC Order 23252 approving a 2018 Renewable Energy Charge of $0.00004/kWh effective April 1, 2018. Written Order issued 8/22/18.
- National Grid's Summary of RFP process to provide NEPOOL-GIS Certificates pursuant to Renewable Energy Procurement Plan (5/8/18)
Compliance Filings Relating to National Grid's Proposed SOS Rates in Compliance w/ Approved 2018 SOS Procurement Plan pursuant to PUC Order No. 22774 and Open Meeting Decision on March 30, 2017. Also, includes Bids and Transaction Confirmations:
- National Grid's Summary of Initial Bids received on January 3, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (1/4/18)
- National Grid's Summary of Final Bids received on January 10, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (1/11/18)
- National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for April 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018 for the Residential and Commercial Groups and April 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 for the Industrial Group. (1/18/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Memorandum (2/19/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Revised Memorandum (3/1/18)
- PUC Order 23098 issued to National Grid approving Standard Offer Service Rates for the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Groups for effect April 1, 2018. Order issued 4/5/18.
- National Grid's Summary of Initial Bids received on April 4, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (4/5/18)
- National Grid's Summary of Initial Bids received on April 11, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (4/12/18)
- National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the months of July 2018 through September 2018 (4/16/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Memorandum (5/31/18)
- PUC Order No. 23186 approving National Grid’s proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period July 2018 – September 2018. Order issued 6/7/18.
- National Grid's Summary of Initial Bids received on July 3, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (7/3/18)
- National Grid's Summary of Final Bids received on July 11, 2018 in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (7/12/18)
- National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Residential Group and the Commercial Group for the Months of October 2018 through March 2019, and for the Industrial Group for the Months of October 2018 through December 2018 (7/18/18)
- PUC Notice of Public Hearing on August 17, 2018 @ 10 AM regarding National Grid's proposed SOS rates
- PUC Amended Notice of Public Hearing - Hearing moved to August 27, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
- Division of Public Utilities' Rate Mitigation Proposal Memorandum (8/10/18)
- Motions to Intervene & Comments submitted by::
- Lt. Governor McKee's Motion to Intervene (8/8/18)
- Lt. Governor McKee's Memorandum (8/14/18)
- Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Services, LLC's (Direct Energy) Motion to Intervene (8/22/18)
- Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Services, LLC's Comments, including attachments (8/22/18)
- Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid's Response to Division's 1st and 2nd Set of Data Requests (8/3/18)
- National Grid's Response to Division's 3rd Set of Data Request (8/10/18)
- National Grid's Response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Request (8/22/18)
- National Grid's Corrected Attachment to PUC Data Request 1-4 (8/24/18)
- National Grid's Response to Lt. Governor McKee's 1st Set of Data Requests (8/10/18)
- National Grid's Compliance Tariffs approved at the August 27, 2018 hearing (9/10/18)
- PUC Order No. 23633 issued to National Grid on its proposed SOS rates for the residential, commercial and industrial groups effective October 1, 2018. Order issued 7/16/19.
- National Grid's Summary of Initial Bids received on October 3, 2018, in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (10/4/18)
- National Grid's Summary of Final Bids received on October 10, 2018 in the RFP process the Company recently conducted pursuant to its SOS Procurement Plan (10/11/18)
- National Grid's Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the months of January 1, 2019 through March 1, 2019 (10/16/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Memorandum (11/15/18)
- PUC Order No. 23370 approving National Grid’s proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period January 2019 – March 2019. Order issued 1/11/19.
National Grid's Standard Offer Service (SOS) Quarterly Reconciliation Reports: