Docket 3689 - Narragansett Electric Co. Standard Offer Rate Filing
- Narragansett Electric Co. testimony of Ronald T. Gerwatowski, Jeanne A. Lloye and Michael J. Hager in support of Standard Offer Adjustment Rate Filing (filed 7/29/05)
- PUC issues Procedural Schedule for Docket
- PUC issues Notice of Public Hearings in service areas throughout RI
- PUC issues second Notice of Public Hearings adding a hearing in the Providence service area
- The Energy Council of RI (TEC-RI) Motion to Intervene (8/5/05)
- Narragansett Electric response to PUC data request 1-1 (8/11/05)
- Narragansett Electric response to remainder of PUC 1st set of data requests (8/9/05)
- Narragansett Eelctric response to PUC 2nd set of data requests(8/5/05)
- The George Wiley Center Motion to Intervene (8/18/05)
- Direct Energy Services LLC Motion to Intevene (8/18/05)
- RI Attorney General Motion to Intervene (9/9/05)
- Office of Attorney General and The Energy Council of RI - Testimony of John Farley (9/12/05)
- The George Wiley Center - Testimony of John Howatt (9/14/05)
- Narragansett Electric Co. - Interim fuel price update and revised Standard Offer calculation from initial filing submitted on 7/29/05 (9/16/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony John Stutz (9/19/05)
- Narragansett Electric Co. response to PUC data requests 1-7, 3-1 and 3-2 (9/20/05)
- Attorney General's objection to consideration of Narraganset Electric's new Standard Offer rate updated on 9/16/05
- At the September 23 hearing, the Commission decided to consider Narragansett Electric's testimony in support of the 12.4% increase that was filed in its initial filing on July 29, 2005.
- Narragansett Electric's letter addressing an issue raised at the September 23 hearing regarding protest payments already made to TransCanada (9/27/05)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion for Interim Relief seeking a stay any increase in the rates of A-60 customers of Narragansett Electric above the current 6.7 cents/kWh pending hearing and decision on anticipated proposals for discounts and/or other rate relief for low-income (9/28/05)
- Narragansett Electric - responses to record requests propounded at the September 23 hearing (9/28/05)
- Attorney General's reply in support of the George Wiley's Motion of Interim Relief (9/28/05)
- Narragansett Electric - reply indicating that the Company will not challenge the George Wiley Center's Motion for Interim Relief (9/28/05)
- PUC issues Report & Order No. approving a revised Standard Offer Service Rate of 8.2¢ per kWh effective October 1, 2005