Docket No. 3678 - Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid - Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 1154 Terms & Conditions for Distribution Service and to Add RIPUC No. 1193 Off Cycle Meter Read for Switch of Supplier
Status of Docket: CLOSED.
Filing submitted by the parties in chronological date order:
- Narragansett Electric - Tariff filing to Amend RIPUC Nos. 1159 and 1193 (filed on 5/3/05)
- Narragansett Electric - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (5/23/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum recommending approval of Narragansett's proposed changes to Terms and Conditions to allow for Off Cycle Meter Reads and other minor changes (5/31/05)
- Commission Order No. 18266 approving Narragansett's proposed amendment to R.I.P.U.C. Nos. 1192 and 1193, Terms and Conditions to allow for Off Cycle Meter Reads and other minor changes (6/6/05)