Docket No. 4790 - The Narragansett Electric Co.d/b/a National Grid's Tariff Advice to Amend Net Metering Provision RIPUC No. 2207 (filed 1/26/18)
Status of docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule
- Revised Procedural Schedule
- Second Revised Procedural Schedule
- National Grid's Tariff Advice Request for approval of Net Metering Provision, RIPUC No. 2207. The tariff will supersede the Company's Net Metering Provision, RIPUC No. 2178
- Office of Energy Resources (OER) filings:
- OER Motion to Intervene (2/21/18)
- OER Position Statement (3/2/18)
- The Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) filings:
- National Grid's Response to Motion to Intervene by The Coalition for Community Solar Access (3/12/18)
- National Grid's supplemental tariff pages reflecting additional revisions to Section II of Net Metering Provision, RIPUC No. 2207 to provide for an extension of the Cap Expiration Date for community remote net metering (4/27/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' (Division) Memorandum in response to National Grid's filing (6/5/18)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing effective August 1, 2018 reflecting revisions to the Net Metering Provision approved by the PUC at the Open Meeting on July 31, 2018
- PUC Order No. 23859 approving National Grid's Tariff Revisions
Responses to Data Requests: