Docket No. 4315 - National Grid's 2013 Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan and 2013 Renewable Energy Supply (RES) Procurement Plan (filed Februry 28, 2012)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for docket.
- National Grid - 2013 Standard Offer Service ("SOS") Procurement Plan and 2013 Renewable Energy Standard ("RES") Procurement Plan for 2013, including testimony and schedules of witnesses Margaret M. Janzen (filed 2/28/11)
- Constellation Energy Commodities Corp., Inc. & Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. - Motion to Intervene (4/3/12)
- National Grid's responses to Division's First Set of Data Requests (4/30/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Richard Hahn (5/2/12)
- National Grid's - Responses to Commission's First Set of Data Requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of Response to COMM 1-5
- Commission Order No. 20795 approving National Grid's 2013 Standard Offier Supply Procurement Plan and 2013 Renewable Energy Supply Procurement Plan. Written Order issued 8/10/12.
- National Grid - Standard Offer Service Reconciliation Report (4/30/13)
Compliance Filings Relating to National Grid's 2013 Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Charge & Reconciliation. Also, includes RES Summary of Bids Reports (date filed):
- National Grid - RES RFP Summary and Request for Confidential Treatment (11/7/12)
- National Grid - 2013 Renewable Energy Standard Charge and Reconciliation for effect Apirl 1, 2013 (filed 2/25/13)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum from Richard Hahn to the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (3/20/13)
- Notice of Hearing - hearing scheduled March 26, 2013
- National Grid - Responses to the Commission's First Set of Data Requests (3/22/13)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's Record Requests 3 through 5 (4/11/13)
- National Grid - Response to Commission Record Request 1 (4/30/13)
- National Grid - Compliance Tariffs (3/26/13)
- Commission Order 21064 approving National Grid's proposed Renewable Energy Standard Charge and Reconciliation Filing effective April 1, 2013. Written Order issued 6/13/13.
- National Grid - Summary of RES RPF Process to provide NEPOOL-GIS Certificates in RI (10/9/13)
- National Grid - Summary of RES RFP process to provide NEPOOL-GIS certificates in RI (1/27/14)
Compliance Filings Relating to National Grid's Proposed SOS Rates in Compliance w/ Approved 2013 SOS Procurement Plan and Order No. 20795 . Also, includes Bids and Transaction Confirmations. (Includes all filings submitted on or after November 2012):
- National Grid - Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period January 2013 - March 2013, and the Residential and Commercial Groups for the period January 2013 - June 2013 (dated 11/19/12)
- Commission - Notice of Hearing to be held on December 10, 2012 on proposed SOS rates
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum on National Grid November 19, 2012 SOS rate changes (12/3/12)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's 2nd Set of Data Request (12/3/12)
- Commission Order 20919 approving the National Grid proposed Standard Offer Service rates for the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Groups effective January 1, 2013. Written Order issued 1/7/13.
- National Grid - Summary of Bids of the request for proposal ("RFP") process to provide SOS (2/713)
- National Grid - Summary of Bids of the request for proposal ("RFP") process to provide SOS (2/14/13)
- National Grid - Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period April 2013 - June 2013 (dated 2/22/13)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum on NGrid's February 22, 2013 proposed SOS rates (3/26/13)
- Commission Order No. 21023 approving National Grid's proposed SOS rates for the Industrial Group for the period April - June 2013. Written Order issued 5/1/13.
- National Grid - Summary of Bids and Request for Confidential Treatment (5/2/13)
- National Grid - Revised Attachment 1 to the summary of initial bids, correcting a formula error in the previous version of Attachment 1 filed with the Commission on May 2, 2013
- National Grid - Proposed SOS Rates for the Industrial Group for the period July 2013 - September 2013, and the Commercial and Residential Groups for the period July 2013 - December 2013 (5/17/13)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum on NGrid's May 17, 2013 proposed SOS rates (6/10/13)
- National Grid' - Compliance filing to reflect the various tariff and/or rate changes recently approved by the Commission effective July 1, 2013.
- Commission Order No. 21086 approving National Grid’s May 17, 2013 proposed rate schedule for Standard Offer Service for Commericial, Industrial and Residential Groups effective July 1, 2013. Written Order issued 6/28/13.
- National Grid - SOS Reconciliation Report providing status of reconciliations related to the provision of SOS, including SOS supply costs, SOS administrative costs and Renewable Energy Standard costs based actual revenues for period 1/1/13 - 6/30/13 and actual expenses for period 1/1/13 - 5/31/13.
- National Grid - Final Summary of Bids of the RFP process and Request for Confidential Treatment (8/8/13)
- National Grid - Letter concerning schedule modifications to the 2013 SOS Plan (8/13/13)
- National Grid -Summary of Bids of the RFP process to provide Standard Offer Service & Request for Confidential Treatment (8/15/13)
- Nattional Grid - Proposed SOS Rate for the Industrial Group for the months os October 2013 & November 2013 (8/21/13)
- Division - Memorandum of David Stearns regarding proposed SOS Rates for Industrial Group (9/18/13)
- National Grid - Request to Modfy the SOS Procurement Schedule (9/17/13)
- Division - Memorandum of Richard Hahn regarding NGrid's Request to Modify the SOS Procurement Schedule (9/23/13)
- National Grid - Summary of SOS RFP Bids and Request for Confidential Treatment (9/26/13)
- National Grid - Summary of SOS RFP Bids and Request for Confidential Treatment (10/10/13)
- National Grid - Standard Offer Service Bids; Request for Confidential Treatment; and SOS Rates for the Industrial Group for December 2013 through March 2014 (filed 10/18/13)
- Division - Memorandum of David Stearns regarding proposed SOS Rates for the Industrial Group (10/28/13)
- National Grid - Standard Offer Service Reconciliation Report providing status of reconciliations related to the provision of SOS, including SOS supply costs, SOS administrative costs and Renewable Energy Standard costs based actual revenues for period January 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013, and actual expenses for period January 1, 2013 - August 31, 2013.
- PUC issues Order No. 21362 approving 1) National Grid's modification to procurement plan filed on September 17, 2013, 2) National Grid's proposed SOS rates for Industrial Group effective October 1, 2013; and 3) National Grid's proposed SOS rates for the Idustrial Group rates effective December 1, 2013. Written Order issude 2/19/14.