Docket No. 4327 - National Grid's Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliaton Filing for Year Ending March 31, 2012 (filed 5/1/5/12)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- National Grid - Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Reconciliation Filing, consisting of the testimony and schedules of Jeanne A. Lloyd in support of proposed RDM Adjsutment Factor effective July 1, 2012
- Conservation Law Foundation - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (5/23/12)
- Environment Northeast - Motion to Intervene (5/31/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Position Memoradum (6/6/12)
- Commission Report and Order No. 20757 approving National Grid's1st annual RDM Reconciliation Filing and proposed RDM Adjustment Factor of $0.00014 per kWh effective July 1, 2012. Written Order issued June 20, 2012.