Docket 3827 - Amendment to Existing Rules and Regulations Establishing Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in Rhode Island
Status of docket: Closed.
The PUC hereby issues Notice of Rulemaking and Public Hearing for the purpose of affording interested persons an opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing, in response to the Commission's plan to amend the existing Rules and Regulations Establishing Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in Rhode Island (MES Rules) adopted by the Commission on January 1, 2007. The hearing will be at 11:00 A.M., April 16, 2007 at the PUC's office. Below are the rules and regulations in both form existing and proposed in a redacted version specifying additions and deletions:
- Existing MES Rules adopted and effective on January 1, 2007
- Proposed Amended MES Rules (issued 4/2/07)
- Joint Comments of the RI Public Interest Research Group, Appliance Standards Awareness Project, and Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (5/3/07)
- PUC issues Order No. 18959 adopting revised rules. Written Order issued 5/11/07.
- Rules and Regulations Establishing Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in Rhode Island effective June 1, 2007 (filed with the Secretary of State on 5/11/07)