Verizon Rhode Island Tariff Filing in Compliance w/ FCC mandate
Updated 12/10/03
- Verizon RI Tariff filing to revised PUC Tariff No. 18 in compliance with FCC order (10/02/03)
- Covad Communications Motion to Suspend, Investigate and Modify Certain Provisions of Verizon's proposal (10/29/03)
- Verizon's Response to Covad Communications's Motion to Suspend.....(10/29/03)
- Commission suspended Verizon's tariff at open meeting held 10/30/03
- Commission's Procedural Schedule for Docket (11/07/03)
- Conversent Communications filed Motion to Intervene (11/17/03)
- Verizon's Initial Brief (12.9.03)
- Covad Communications Initial Brief (12.9.03)
- Conversent Communication Comments In Lieu of Brief (12.9.03)