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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Docket No. 4065 - Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Application for Approval of a Change in Electric Base Distribution Rates

Status of Docket: Closed.

Filings Relating to Supreme Court's Remand - Review of Capital Structure


Commission Orders:

Revised Procedural Schedule for Docket - The deadline to file Motion to Intervene is July 16, 2009.

Notice of Technical Session scheduled June 29, 2009 at PUC's office

Notice of Public Comment Hearings to be held in various locations in National Grid's service areas. Cross-examination of witnesses will commence November 2, 2009 and be held throughout the month of November. See Hearing Witness Schedule for details.

Filings and pleadings submitted by National Grid - Rate Filing

National Grid filed on June 1, 2009, an application to implement new rates and tariffs designed to increase annual distribution revenues by approximately $75.3 million. The application includes Transmittal Letter summarizing the components of the application, also the Filing Requirements in conformance with Section II of PUC Rules, and the direct testimony of the following witnesses in support of its application:

  • Volume 1 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony of Thomas King, President of National Grid USA regarding National Grid's vision and policy objectives as they relate to the Company's rate filing; NGrid Hearing Exhibit 1 admitted 11/2/09.
    • Testimony and schedules of John Pettigrew, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Electric Distribution Operations of National Grid, describing the Company's capital additions, its inspection and maintenance strategy, cost savings initiatives, and facilities consolidation efforts; Revised Schedule NG-JP-2; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Rudolph Wynter, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Marketing and Energy Efficiency of National Grid, describing the Company's uncollectible accounts expense and related proposals.
  • Volume 2 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Susan Tierney, Ph.D., Managing Principal of Analysis Group, Inc., discussing the Company's proposed revenue decoupling plan; and
    • Testimony of Timothy Stout, Vice President of Efficiency Strategy and Planning for National Grid, discussing the Company's energy efficiency activities in Rhode Island.
  • Volume 3 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Paul R. Moul, Managing Consultant of P. Moul & Associates, in support of the Company's proposed return on equity and capital structure.
  • Volume 4- Direct Case :
    • Testimony and schedules of William F. Dowd, Senior Vice President of U.S. Labor Relations for National Grid, describing compensation and benefit; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Kimbugwe A. Kateregga, Vice President and Consultant of Foster Associates, Inc., presenting the Company's depreciation study and proposed depreciation rates for ratemaking purposes.
  • Volume 5- Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Robert L. O'Brien, Senior Advisor with of Black & Veatch, describing the Company's proposed Revenue Requirement.
  • Volume 6- Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Howard S. Gorman, Principal of Black & Veatch, describing the Company's proposed Allocated Cost of Service, Rate Design, and related studies.
  • Volume 7- Direct Case:
    • Proposed Retail Delivery Service Tariffs and provisions, clean and marked to show changes from those currently in effect, which are an exhibit of Mr. Gorman.
  • Volume 8 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Alfred P. Morrissey, Lead Analyst in Electric Load Forecasting in the Energy Portfolio Management Department of National Grid, presenting the Company's sales forecast;
    • Testimony and schedules of John E. Walter, Manager - Outdoor Lighting for National Grid, discussing changes to the Company's Outdoor Lighting tariff provisions; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Carmen Fields, Director-Community Relations/Economic Development NE for National Grid, in support of the Company's economic development program.
  • Volume 9 - Direct Case:
    • Revenue Requirements workpapers of Mr. O'Brien and allocated cost of service and rate design workpapers of Mr. Gorman.
  • Volume 10 - Rebuttal Case (10/6/09) - Includes:
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedules of John Pettigrew
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedule of Rudolph L. Wynter, Jr.
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedules of Susan F. Tierney, PhD.
    • Rebuttal testimony of Paul R Moul
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedule of of Julie M. Cannell
    • Rebuttal testimony of William F. Dowd
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedules of Robert L. O'Brien
    • Rebuttal testimony and schedule of Howard S. Gorman
  • NGrid - Response to Division's Motion to Amend Schedule ( 6/18/09)
  • NGrid - Executive Summary of Witnesses (10/27/09)
  • NGrid - Initial Brief (1/22/10)
  • NGrid - Reply Brief (1/29/10)
  • NGrid - Amended Compliance Tariff Filing (transmittal letter) consisting of revised tariffs in conformance with PUC's ruling at open meeting held February 9, 2010. The amended tariffs are designed to generate additional distribution rate revenue in the amount of $16,231,000 or approximately 8% for a total distribution rate revenue in the amount of $239,623,000. The revised rates are effective for usage on and after March 1, 2010. The compliance filing consists of the following attachments:

Filings and pleadings submitted by the Division of Public Utilities and Intervenors:

Parties' Responses to Data Requests (some responses are not available online but can be examined at the Commission Clerk's office):