Docket No. 4140 - Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2010 Annual Retail Rate Filing (filed 1/8/10)
Status of Docket: Closed
- National Grid's annual retail rate filing to adjust the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Adjustment Charge and Transmission Adjustment Factor for effect March 1, 2010. The filing consists of testimony & schedules of witnesses Jeanne A. Lloyd and James L. Loschiavo in support of proposed rate changes. (filed 1/8/10)
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing - hearing scheduled February 3, 2010 @ 9:30 A.M. at PUC's office
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (1/22/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum summarizing its review and recommendation (1/28/10)
- National Grid - Revised and updated schedules to the testimony of witnessess Jeanne A. Lloyd and James L. Loschiavo (2/2/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Position Memorandum (2/8/10)
- National Grid - Response to record requests issued at February 3 hearing (2/5/10)
- PUC issues Order No. 20031 approving rates effective March 1, 2010 as follows: 1) Standard Offer Adjustment Factor of $0.00134 per kwh for the small customer group, 2) Standard Offer Adjustment Factor of $ 0.00144 per kwh for large customer group, 3) Transition Adjustment factor of $0 .00068 per kwh, 4) Transmission Adjustment Factor of $0.00001 per kwh, 5) proposed surcharge of $0.00003 per kwh applicable to G-62 and G-32 rate class. Written Order issued June 26, 2010.
National Grid Reconciliations Reports
- Reconciliation report related to the provision of SO service, including SO supplies costs, SO administrative costs and RES costs based on actual revenues and expenses for the period 1/1/10 through 3/31/10
- Reconciliation report related to provision of SOS, including supply costs, SOS Administrative costs and RES costs based on actual revenues and actual expenses for the period 1//1/10 through 6/30/10
- Reconciliation report related to provision of SO service, including SO supplies costs, SO administrative costs and RES costs based on actual revenues and expenses for the period 1/1/10 through 9/30/10 .
- Reconciliation report related to the provision of SO service, including SO supplies costs, SO administrative costs and RES costs based on actual revenues for the period 1/1/11 -6/30/11 & expenses for period 1/11/11 - 5/31/11.
- Reconciliation report related to the provision of SO service, including SO supplies costs, SO administrative costs and RES costsbased on actual revenues for the period 1/1/11 -6/30/11 & expenses for period January 1- August 31, 2011.