Docket No. 3690 - New England Gas Co. Distribution Adjustment Charge (DAC) Filing
Status of docket: Closed.
PUC issues Order No. 18780 to National Grid (formerly New England Gas) summarizing the travel of the case and approving a Distribution Adjusment Charge credit (refund) of $0.003 per therm effective November 1, 2005. Written Order issued 12/1/06.
Filings submitted by New England Gas (in chronological date order):
- New England Gas Co. - Testimony of Peter Czekanski describing the changes to the various components of the DAC, updated factors and updated reconciliation of actual costs and revenues with projected costs and revenues (filed 8/1/05)
- New England Gas Co. - Supplemental testimony in support of proposed revision to the Distribution Adjustment Factor for effect November 1, 2005
1) Supplemental testimony and schedules of Peter Czenkanski (9/1/05)
2) Testimony and schedules of Robert J. Riccitelli (9/1/05)
3) Rebuttal testimony of Robert J. Riccitelli on Earnings Sharing Mechanism (1/30/06) - New England Gas Co. - Responses/Objections to Data Requests propounded:
1) Response to Division's and Attorney General's 1st set of data requests (9/30/05)
2) Response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (10/6/05)
3) Response to Commission's 2nd set of data requests 2-01 thru 2-04 (10/14/05)
4) Objection to 2nd set of data requests propounded by the Division, specifically DIV 2-6, 2-7, 2-8 and 2-9 (10/14/05)
5) Response to George Wiley Center's 1st set of data requests (10/26/05)
6) Response to George Wiley Center's and Commission's record requests (10/26/05)
7) Response to Commission's data requests 2-05, 3-01 through 3-07; and response to Division's data requests 2-01 through 2-05, 2-15 through 2-17 (11/9/05)
8) Objection to Attorney Generals 1st set of data requests (11/10/05)
9) Response to Division's data response DIV 2-07, 2-08, 2-10 and 2-12 (12/2/05)
10) Response to Commission's 4th set of data requests, and response to Division's data requests DIV 2-11 (12/6/05)
11) Response to Attorney General's Motion to Compel to respond to Division's 1st set of data requests propounded on 11/1/05 (filed 12/9/05)
12) Response to Attorney General's 1st of data requests, and response to record request COMM 3 posed at October 25, 2005 hearing (filed 12/9/05)
13) Response to George Wiley Center's 3rd set of data requests (12/28/05)
14) Response to Commission's 5th set of data requests (3/1/06)
15) Response to Commission's 6th set of data requests (4/6/06)
16) Response to record requests propounded at March 2, 2006 hearing (4/6/06)
Compliance Filings submitted by New England Gas:
- Interim Environmental Report as of 12/31/05 (2/15/06)
- Annual Environmental Report for FY2006 (8/1/06)
- Calculation of the FY 2005 Earning Sharing Mechanism adjustments to be carried over and incorporated to the Company's next DAC filing (6/9/06)
Filings submitted by Division of Public Utilities and Intervenors (in chronological date order):
- Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch filed Motion to Intervene (9/9/05)
- George Wiley Center filed a Motion to Intervene (9/14/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of Bruce Oliver (10/14/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of David J. Effron (1/19/06)
- George Wiley Center's - Direct testimony of John Howat (10/17/05)
- Attorney General's Motion to Compel New England Gas to Respond to AG's 1st set of Data Requests (11/22/05)
- Attorney General's position in response to NEGas' Earnings Sharing Mechanism (1/19/06)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony and exhibits of David J. Effron regarding NEGas' testimony on 1) allocation of administrative and general expenses to the mercury incidence and 2) the balance of accumulated deferred income taxes (2/10/06)
Previous years' filings and Orders relating to NEGas DAC and Earnings Sharing