Docket No. 3436 - New England Gas Co. - Gas Cost Recovery Charge (GCR) Status of Docket: Closed. Testimony and filings submitted in period covering January 2005 - June 2005: New England Gas notification of adjustments needed to implement changes to the GPIP (1/7/05) New England Gas letter identifying proposed course of action to address Commission's concern regarding the Company's GPIP; and proposed modification to GPIP (3/10/05). At open meeting 4/7/05, the Commission approved NEGas' modified proposal to increase the mandatory purchases to 60% for April and October and to 70% for the remaining months of the year. Division of Public Utilities reply and memoradum from witness Bruce Oliver supporting New England Gas' proposed modifications to the GPIP and recommending further modification to the GPIP (3/29/05) New England Gas response to Division's witness Bruce Oliver suggested modifications toGPIP of March 29 (4/6/05) New England Gas files Testimony of Peter Czekanski and Gary Beland in support of an increase to GCR rates for effect May 1, 2005 (filed 4/1/05) New England Gas corrected and updated Attachments GLB-3 and GLB-4 to Gary Beland testimony regarding GCR rate increase (4/5/05) Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum summarizing NEGas filing and recommendation (4/26/05) Commission Report and Order No. 18273 approving revised Gas Cost Recovery Charges and Natural Gas Vehicle Rate and modifications to the Gas Procurement and Asset Management Incentive Plan filed by NEGas. Order issued 6/16/05. Testimony and filings submitted in period covering January 2004 - December 2004: New England Gas: Testimony in support of GCR rate increase effective February 2004 (1/20/04) New England Gas request to withdraw GCR rate increase submitted on January 1, 2004 (2/10/04) New England Gas: Testimony in support of revised GCR effective June, 1 2004 (4/30/04) Commission Report and Order No. 17970 approving GCR rate increase effective June 1, 2004 New England Gas: Testimony of Peter Czekanski and Gary Beland in support of change to the GCR rates effective November 1, 2004 (filed 9/1/04). The Commission approved the GCR rates as submitted at open meeting of 10/21/04. Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of Bruce Oliver (10/12/04) New England Gas - Proposed changes to the GPIP & Gas Supply Portofolio (11/19/04). The Commission approved the proposed changes to the plan at the technical sesion held 12/09/04. Testimony and filings submitted in period covering January 2003 - December 2003: New England Gas: Testimony in support of the GRC charge for March 2003 (02/14/03) New England Gas: Updated CGR factors & schedules of Peter Czekanski (03/20/03) Division of Public Utilities: Testimony of Bruce Oliver and Exhibits (03/19/03) Commission issued Report & Order No. 17444 approving revised GRC factors Commission issued Order No. 17484 directing New England Gas to institute bill credit to GCR charge from March 1- March 31, 2003 New England Gas testimony & exhibits in compliance with Commissin Order No. 17444 to address impact of reverse migration (06/26/03) Division of Public Utilities: Testimony of Bruce Oliver regarding Transitional Service Tariff (08/15/03) Agreement between New England Gas and Division of Public Utilities to resolve migration issues and proposed a Transitional Sales Service Rate for effect October 1, 2003 (08/29/03) New England Gas Co. testimony & exhibits in support of CGR factors for effect November 1, 2003 Testimony of Michael Harn regarding calculation of CGR and Testimony of Gary Beland regarding estimated gas costs, forecasting methodology, assignments of pipeline capacity to marketer and other issues relating to proposed CGR factors (9/02/03) Division of Public Utilities: Testimony of Bruce Oliver regarding GCR (10/16/03) Commission issued Order No. 17590 approving Transitional Service Tariff effective Octobe 1, 2003 Commission issued Report & Order No.17606 approving revised GCR factors for effect 11/01/03. The approved factors are based on the October 27, 2003 NYMEX strip and represent an increase of 5% on customers' bills.