Docket No. 3710 - Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Request for Approval of Dispensation of Settlement Proceeds
- National Grid - Request for Approval of Dispensation of Settlement Proceeds (filed 11/15/05)
- PUC issues Procedural Schedule for docket
- Notice of Public Hearing - Public comments hearing schedule 12/12/05; and evidentiary hearing 12/16/05
- The Energy Council of Rhode Island (TEC-RI) - Motion to Intervene (11/22/05)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion to Intervene
- Department of Attorney Generall (AG) - Motion to Intervene (11/29/05)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (11/29/05)
- National Grid - Response to George Wiley's 1st set of data requests (12/1/05)
- National Grid - Typcial bill analysis reflecting all the rate changes proposed for January 1, 2006 in Docket 3706 and 3710 (12/5/05)
- National Grid - Typical bill impact analysis for Low Income Rate A60 reflecting all the rate changes proposed in Docket 3706 and 3710 effective 1/1/06 (12/7/05)
- The Energy Council of RI - Position on National Grid's proposal to use the $8 million settlement proceeds to implement the Enhanced Low Income Program (12/9/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of John Stutz regarding National Grid's proposed changes to SO, transition and transmission charges and National Grid's request for dispensation of settlement proceeds (12/12/05)
- Attorney General - Position on National Grid's proposal regarding the dispensation of settlement proceeds (12/7/05)
- The George Wiley Center - Position of the Wiley Center on Narragansett's request for approval to dispense settlement proceeds (12/12/05)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (12/13/05)
- National Grid - Response to record requests 2 and 6 propounded at the 12/16/05 hearing (12/21/05)
- National Grid - Response to record requests 1 and 4 propounded at the 12/16/05 hearing (12/22/05)
- National Grid - Response to Commission record requests 3 & 5 propounded at hearing held 12/16/05
- Commission Report and Order No. 18510 authorizing National Grid to dispense $16.5 million of settlement proceeds as follows: 1) to allocate $8.5 million of the settlement proceeds to ratepayers through the Transition Charge over one year; and 2) to allocate $2 million (of the $8 million proposed for a low income discount program) to be applied to the first 450 kWh of usage per month for customers taking service under the low income Rate A-60 for one year; and 3) dispensation of the remaining $6 million is held in abeyance for future action. (1/24/06)
- National Grid - Notice providing copy of FERC's Letter Order accepting CTC Settlement Agreement between New England Power & Narragansett Electric Co. (2/15/06)