Docket No. 5194 - Pascoag Utility District - Reconciliation of Power Supply Service, Transmission Charge and Purchase Power Restrict Fund Credit (filed 11/4/2021) Status of docket: Closed. Procedural Schedule Notice of Hearing Pascoag Utility District's transmittal proposing rate changes effective Janaury 1, 2022. The filing includes the following: Request for Protective Treatment of Exhibits Book 1 - Testimony & Exhibits of Michael R. Kirkwood ( Redacted) and Testimony & Exhibits of Harle J. Young Book 2 - Schedules A-H Book 3 - Purchase Power Invoices - January through October 2021 Pascoag Utility's Corrected Testimony of Harle J. Young (11/30/21) Pascoag Utility's Addendum Filing - Testimony of Harle J. Yourng to include actual expesnes and reveue for October (12/2/21) Pascoag Utility's Corrected Addendum Filing - Testimony of Harle J. Young (12/6/21) Pascoag Utility and Division Agreement on the Purchase Power Restricted Fund Credit (corrected) Pascoag Utility's Compliance Filing (12/30/21) Division of Pubilc Utilities' (Division) Position Memorandum (12/10/21) PUC Order 24313 approving Pascoag Utilitiy's revised Power Supply Service and Transmission Charge effective 1/1/2022. Responses to Data Requests: Pascoag Utility's response to PUC Set 1 Pascoag Utility's corrected response to PUC 1-4 Pascoag Utility's response to Divison's Set Set 1 Division's response to PUC Set 1 LINK TO Pascoag Utilitiy's Reconciliation Filling effective 1/1/2021 - Docket No. 5083