Docket No. 4339 - National Grid - 2012 Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge ("DAC") Filing (filed 8/1/12)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Commission Order No. 21005 approving National Grid's proposed revised DAC effective November 1, 2012. Written Order issued April 8, 2013.
- Notice of Hearing - October 29, 2012 @ 9:30 PM
- National Grid - 2012 Annual DAC Filing, including testimony of Mariella C. Smith. The filing describes changes to and reconciliation of the various components of the DAC and updates factors to be effective November 1, 2012. (filed 8/1/12)
- National Grid - Supporting documentation of the Company's Gas Revenue Decoupling Adjustment ("RDA") Factor for year ending March 31, 2012, a component of the DAC that is proposed to be collected through the DAC effective November 1, 2012 (filed 7/2/12)
- National Grid - Supporting documentation of the Company's Infrastructure, Safety & Reliability ("ISR") factor, a component of the DAC that is proposed to be collected through the DAC effective November 1, 2012 (see Docket No. 4219) (filed 8/1/12)
- National Grid - Supplemental testimony of Mariella Smith, updating the August 1, 2012 DAC filing to incorporate updates to the DAC components, and testimony of William R. Richer on the earnings sharing mechanism ("ESM") component. (9/4/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of certain data responses (10/1/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct Testimony of Bruce Oliver (10/10/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct Testimony of David Effron (10/10/12)
- National Grid - Joint rebuttal testimony of Mariella C. Smith and Elizabeth D. Arangio (10/23/12)
- Division of Public Utilities and National Grid - Settlement of the Parties (10/31/12)
- National Grid - Revised Distribution Adjustment Charge ("DAC") rates to incorporate changes approved in Docket 4323, concurrent with implementation of new base distribution rates pursuant to the Settlement Agreement approved in Docket 4323.
- Commission Order No. 21005 approving National Grid's proposed revised DAC effective November 1, 2012. Written Order issued April 8, 2013.
- National Grid - Gas Annual Environmental Report for the period July 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013 (8/1/13)
Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (9/28/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of certain data responses (10/1/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Divison's Data Request 1-17 (10/9/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 2nd Set of Data Requests (10/5/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Divison's Data Request 2-5 (10/12/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 1st Set of Data Request (10/3/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's Data Request 1-11 (10/5/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's Data Request 1-11 Attachment (10/9/12)