Docket No. 3969 - National Grid Electric - Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) Filing (filed on 6/30/08)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- National Grid's proposed FAF filing and request for interim relief (6/30/08)
- Procedural Schedule for docket
- Settlement Procedural Schedule
- Constellation Energy Commodities Group - Motion to Intervene and Entry of Appearance (7/25/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Objection to NGrid's request for interim relief (7/30/08)
- National Grid - Notice that it does not oppose Constellation's motion to intervene, and 1st set of data requests directed to Constellation (7/30/08)
- Constellation Energy Commodities - Objection to National Grid's 1st of data requests (8/14/08)
- National Grid - Response to Constellation's Objection to National Grid's 1st set of data requests (8/20/08)
- Commission - Memo to parties' regarding Chairman's determination regarding Constellation Objections to National Grid's 1st set of data request (8/20/08)
- National Grid - Motion to approve proposed settlement agreement executed by the parties (9/2/08)
- National Grid - Request for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information; and Redacted pre-filed testimony of Ronald T. Gerwatowski (9/9/08)
- PUC issues Notice of Hearing on Settlement Agreement to be held on 9/22/08
- National Grid - Responses to PUC's 1st set of data requests (9/19/08)
- National Grid - Responses to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (9/19/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Responses to PUC's 1st set of data requests and request for protective treatment iof responses to PUC-2, PUC-3, PUC-4 and PUC-6 (filed 9/19/08)
- National Grid - Response to Record Requests issued at evidentiary hearing and Motion for Protective Treatment of responses to record requests 1 and 2 (filed 9/24/08)
- PUC issues Order No. 19466 approving the Settlement Agreement filed on September 2, 2008. Wrtten Order issued 10/21/08)