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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Docket No. 4323 - Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid - Application for Approval of a Change in Electric and Gas Base Distribution Rates Pursuant to R.I.G.L. Sections 39-3-10 and 39-1-3-11 (filed April 27, 2012)

Status of Docket: Closed.




National Grid Compliance Filing - Final and Approved Amended Settlement Agreement, including updated attach, and Compliance Electric and Gas Rates (filed January 24, 2013)

Testimony of Amended Settlement Agreement (filed November 14, 2012) - The Amended Settlement Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 20, 2012.

A Notice of Amended Settlement Agreement was executed on November 13, 2012 between National Grid, the Division of Public Utilities and the US Dept. of Navy. In support of the Amended Settlement Agreement are the following exhibits and schedules:

Testimony in support of Settlement Agreement (filed October 19, 2012)

A Settlement Agreement was executed on October 19, 2012 between National Grid, the Division of Public Utilities and the US Dept. of Navy. In support of the Settlement Agreement are the following exhibits and schedules:


First Procedural Schedule for Docket

Notice of Public Hearings

Second Procedural Schedule relating to the Settlement Agreement (10/26/12)

Testimony in support of initial rate application by National Grid:

National Grid filed on April 27, 2012, an application to implement an increase in electric and gas distribution rates. The rates are designed to recover $31.4 million for its electric business and approximately $20.9 million for its gas business. The application includes Transmittal Letter summarizing the components of the application, direct case testimony and the Filing Requirements in conformance with Section II of PUC Rules. The application includes the direct testimony of the following witnesses in support of the Company's application:

  • Volume 1 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony of Timothy F. Horan, President, Rhode Island/New Hampshire for National Grid USA regarding organizational changes and accomplishments made by the Company since the last base-rate proceedings for Narragansett Electric (2009) and Narragansett Gas (2008) and the background on the business environment and operating factors motivating the Company's proposals in this rate filing;
    • Testimony and schedules of Robert B. Hevert, Managing Partner, Sussex Economic Advisors, LLC and Executive Advisor to Concentric Energy Advisors, Inc. in support of the Company's proposed rate of return and capital structure; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Maureen P. Heaphy, Vice President, U.S. Compensation, Benefits and Pensions, providing supporting analysis and documentation for the recovery of employee compensation, benefit and pension costs.
  • Volume 2 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Steven F. Doucette of Aon Hewitt presenting an analysis of pension and OPEB expense and supporting the establishment for Narragansett Electric of the Pension Adjustment Mechanism;
    • Testimony and schedules of Evelyn M. Kaye, Vice President, Transactions Delivery Center , describing how the Company manages its uncollectible accounts expense, its proposal for recovery of the associated expense and its related proposals associated with low-income program initiatives;
    • Testimony and schedules of Michael R. Hrycin, Director, Overhead Lines, Rhode Island, providing support for the inclusion of costs associated with 19 new electrical workers in the cost of service for the electric distribution operations;
    • Testimony and schedules of Jeffrey P. Martin, Director, Billing Operations, describing the gas billing system conversion and the proposal to establish a billing credit for the paperless billing program.
    • Testimony and schedules of Alfred P. Morrissey, Lead Analyst, Electric Load Forecasting, presenting Narragansett Electric's sales forecast, customer counts and megawatt demand; and
    • Testimony and schedules of A. Leo Silvestrini, Manager, Gas Load Forecasting and Analysis, providing historical and forecast customer count and customer demand data relative to Narragansett Gas.
  • Volume 3 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Michael D. Laflamme, Vice President, Regulation and Pricing, New England, describing the Company's proposed revenue requirements for Narragansett Electric and Narragansett Gas.
  • Volume 4- Direct Case:
    • Schedules of Michael D. Laflamme.
  • Volume 5- Direct Case:
    • Workpapers of Michael D. Laflamme.
  • Volume 6- Direct Case:
    • Workpapers of Michael D. Laflamme.
  • Volume 7- Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Howard S. Gorman, Principal Consultant with Black & Veatch Corporation, presenting the allocated cost of service study for Narragansett Electric; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Jeanne A. Lloyd, Manager, Electric Pricing, New England , supporting the proposed revenue allocation and rate design for electric service rates and presenting Narragansett Electric's proposed electric service tariffs.
  • Volume 8 - Direct Case:
    • Schedules of Jeanne A. Lloyd, proposed tariff for Narragansett Electric.
  • Volume 9 - Direct Case:
    • Testimony and schedules of Paul M. Normand, Principal of Management Applications Consulting, Inc., describing the Company's proposed allocated cost of service study for Narragansett Gas, along with the proposed class revenue allocation and rate design and proposed changes to retail delivery service tariffs; and
    • Testimony and schedules of Ann E. Leary, Manager, Gas Pricing, explaining and describing the adjustments to the test year revenues and several proposed tariff changes for Narragansett Gas. Revenue.
  • Volume 10 - Direct Case:
    • Schedule of Amy E. Leary, proposed tariffs for Narragansett Gas .
  • Volume 11 - Direct Case:
    • Rate designs workpapers of Jeanne A. Lloyd, Paul M. Normand and Ann E. Leary.
  • Filing Requirements Pursuant Section II of Commission's Rules:
  • National Grid - Request for Extension of Filing Rebuttal and Surrebuttal Testimony Deadlines (9/21/12)., The Commission granted National Grid's request.
  • National Grid - Letter of Intent to Submt a Settlement (10/3/12)

Motions to Intervene:

Testimony filed by the Division of Public Utilities and Intervenors:

Public Comments:

Discovery - Responses to Data Requests (dated):