Docket No. 3573 - Interstate Navigation Company - Application to implement revised rates and schedules to collect additional revenues in the amount of $2,750,71 submitted on 12/03/03
Commission's Orders issued in Docket:
- Commission Report & Order No. 17929 approving a Settlement and authorizing Insterstate to collect additional revenues of $1,456,061 for a total revenue requirement of $8,804,337 effective May 11, 2004. (Order issued 7/28/04).
- Commission Order No. 18492 granting Interstate Navigation's request to continue the Volume and Group Discount Program effective 1/1/06. (Order issued 1/11/06)
- Commission Order No. 18535 granting the Joint Petition of Interstate and the Town of New Shoreham for approval to allow students between ages 12 to 16 who reside in and attend Block Island schools to obtain discounted commuter passenger rates (Order issued 2/27/06)
Stipulation and Settlement between Interstate Navigation, the Division of Public Utilities and the Town of New Shoreham resolving all revenue requirement and rate design issues in the docket. (5/12/04)
Compliance reports and filings post Commission Report & Order No. 17929:
- Joint petition of Interstate Navigation and the Town of New Shoreham for approval to allow students between ages 12 to 16 who reside on Block Island and attend Block Island schools to obtain discounted commuter passenger rates (1/27/06)
- Interstate Navigation - Request for authorization to continue offering volume and group discounts which will expire on 12/31/05 (12/13/05)
- Interstate Navigation - Redacted financial statements for period ending November 30, 2004 (pursuant to Section 8 of Stipulation & Settlement (6/21/05)
- Interstate Navigation - Report on interim ridership statistics and revenues (12/29/04)
Testimony filed by Interstate Navigation Co. in support of rate increase:
- Application, notice and schedules in conformance with Commission's Rules for Practice and Procedure (12/02/03)
- Direct testimony & exhibits of Susan Linda (12/02/03)
- Direct testimony & schedules of Walter E. Edge (12/02/03)
- Rebuttal testimony & schedules of Walter Edge (4.21.04)
- Rebuttal testimony of William McCombe (4.21.04)
- Rebuttal testimony of David Preston (4.21.04)
- Rebuttal testimony of Robert Tobin (4.21.04)
Testimony filed by the Division of Public Utilities & Intervernor:
- Division - Direct testimony of John Stutz (3.26.04)
- Division - Direct testimony of Anrea Crane (3.26.04)
- Town of New Shoreham - Direct testimony of James Rothschild (3.26.04)
- Town of Shoreham's Motion to Convene a Portion of the Public Hearing on Block Island & Motion for Amendment to Schedule (4.28.04)
- Interstate Navigation's Response to Town's Motion to Convene and Objection to Town's Motion for Amendment to Schedule (4.28.04)