Docket 3656 - Prudence Ferry, Inc. - Tariff Advice Filing to add language to Schedule A to clarify the eligibility requirements for discounted commuter tickets
- Prudence Ferry Tariff Filing (12/24/04)
- Division of Public Utilities Memorandum recommending suspension of proposed tariff filing (1/13/05)
- Prudence Ferry response to Division's Memorandum(1/21/05)
- Comments of Prudence Island Planning Commission (PIPC) in opposition to Prudence Ferry's tariff filing (1/21/05)
- Prudence Ferry response to PIPC comments (1/21/05)
- Notice of Public Hearing - hearing scheduled March 16, 2005 @ 10 AM
- Memorandum and position of the Division to Prudence Ferry proposed tariff filing (3/14/05)
- PUC Order rejecting Prudence Ferry's Tariff Advice Filing issued on 5/11/05