Docket No. 4240 - Verizon Rhode Island - Tariff filing to allow for the application of a surcharge to recover the Gross Reciepts Tax (GRT) imposed on the Company
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Verizon RI - Tariff Filing to allow the aplication of GRT surcharge (filed 4/26/11)
- Division of Public Utilities - Request to suspend Verizon's proposed tariff filing (5/17/11)
- Verizon RI - Response to Division's Request to Suspend, including attachments and Verizon's response to the Division's 1st set of data request (5/17/11)
- Verizon - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (6/6/11)
- Procedural Schedule
- Division of Public Utilities - Comments (6/24/11)
- Verizon RI - Reply to Division's Comments (6/27/11)
- Verizon RI - Compliance tariff filing in conformance w/ PUC's open meeting decision on 6/29/11
- Commission Order No. 20438 approving Verizon's April 26, 2011 tariff filing seeking to add a surcharge to recover the Gross Receipts Tax imposed on VZ-RI by R.I.G.L. Sec. 44-13-4. Written Order issued 8/5/11.