Docket No. 4944 - Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) - Petition for Private At-Grade Railroad Crossing (filed 4/16/19)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Revised Procedural Schedule
- NBC's Petition
- Procedural schedule extended
- NBC's written data responses to Division's Data Requests and a photograph of the proposed railroad crossing site (8/16/19)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Recommendation (8/16/19)
- NBC's revised plans incorporating Division's Consultant, Pare Corporation, fiding and recommendation (9/20/19)
- Division's Revised Memorandum reflecting a settlement that has been reached between the Division and Narragansett Bay Commission (11/4/19)
- NBC's revised plan accepting the Division's terms and conditions (11/4/19)
- PUC Order issued to the Narragansett Bay Commission's on its Peittion for Private Crossing (8/4/20)