Docket No. 4928 - Verizon Rhode Island - Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC Nos. 15, 18, 20 & 22 to withdraw Inter-State and Intra-State service in wire centers where Verizon intends to migarate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (filed 1/2
- Verizon RI's Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC No. 15, Service Affected by Network Transformation - Serving Wire Center Information
- Verizon RI's Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC No. 18, Miscellaneous Network Services
- Verizon RI's Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC No. 20, Resale Services
- Verizon RI's Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC No. 22, Access Services