Docket No. 3732 - Energy Facility Siting Board (EFSB) Notice of Designation to PUC to Render an Advisory Opinion on need and cost-justification for Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter major energy facilities in Southern RI, the "Southern RI Transmission Project" STATUS OF DOCKET: CLOSED PUC issues Order No. 18698 recommending to the Energy Facility Siting Board that there is a need to construct the Narragansett Electric's proposed Southern Transmission Project and that cost for the project is reasonable and justified (7/23/06) Revised Procedural Schedule for Docket - Hearings commence 7/27/06 PUC issues Notice of Hearing to be held on 7/27/06 PUC issues Notice of Deadline for Intervention EFSB's Notice of Designation and Preliminary Order issued on 3-3-06 National Grid's application incorporating reports and testimony in support of the Project (as filed w/ the Energy Facility Siting Board) incorporates the following: Environmental Report - Volume I Environmental Report - Volume II Figures, consisting of maps and diagrams for the proposed transmission line. The report is not available for viewing on web but can be viewed at the Commission's office by appointment. Visibility and Visual Impact Assessment Report - The figures incorporated in the report are not available for viewing on web but can be viewed at the Commission's office by appointment. Testimony and attachments of Daniel McEntyre, P.E. (4/14/06) Testimony and attachments of Melissa Scott, P.E. (4/14/06) Supplemental testimony of Melissa Scott, P.E. (7/7/06) Testimony and attachments of Alan T. LaBarre, P.E. (4/14/06) Testimony of David J. Beron, P.E., P.M.P. (04/14/06) Supplemental testimony of David J. Beron, P.E., P.M.P. (7/7/06) Testimony of David M. Campilii, P.E. (04/14/06) National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (4/17/06) National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (5/18/06) National Grid - Response to PUC records requests (8/1/06) ISO-New England - Motion to Intervene (4/3/06) ISO-New England - Statement of Position concerning Narragansett Electric's proposed Southern Transmission Project (6/9/06) Division of Public Utilities - Testimony & exhibits of Gregory L. Booth regarding Narragansett Electric's proposed Southern Transmission Project (6/9/06)