Docket 3684 - Providence Water Supply Board ("PWSB") - Application for approval of new rates designed to generate additional revenues in the amount of $4,957,115 or 11.74%
PWSB testimony and exhibits in support of rate increase (filed 6/30/05):
- Transmittal Letter, Notification and Index & Responses in Compliance w/ Section Two of PUC Rules
- Current tariffs
- Proposed tariffs
- Direct testimony of Boyce Spinelli, Deputy General Mgr. of Administration
- Direct testimony of Jeanne Bondarevskis, Director of Finance (6/30/05)
- Rebuttal testimony of Jeanne Bondarevskis (10/28/05)
- Direct testimony of Walter Edge, Jr., MBA, CPA, Consultant (06/30/05)
- Rebuttal testimony of Walter Edge, Jr. (10/28/05)
Division of Public Utilities' and Intervenor's Testimony, motions, pleadings, etc.:
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of Thomas S. Catlin (10/13/05)
- Kent County Water Authority Motion to Intervene (8/12/05)
- Kent County Water Authority - Testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock (10/14/05)