Docket No. 4308 - National Grid's proposed Tariff Advice Filing for Approval of Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Provision ("LTCRER"), Amend RIPUC No. 2036, Transmission Service Cost Adjustment Provision (TSCAP"), and Application for Ap
Status of Docket: Closed.
- National Grid - Proposed Tariff Advice Filing (12/29/11)
- Procedural Schedule -
- Notice of Hearing - scheduled March 27, 2012 @ 9:30 A.M.
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum (3/13/12)
- National Grid - Compliance Tariffs effective April 1, 2012 resulting from Docket Nos. 4214, 4207 & 4208
- Commission Order No. 20723 approving National Grid's December 29, 2012 proposed Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery (LTC-RER) Provision and Transmission Service Cost Provision , and approving a LTC-RER Factor of $0.00007 per kWh effective April 1, 2012. Written Order issued 5/3/12.
Responses to Data Requests
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (2/2/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Motion to Compel More Responsive Answers to the Division's 1st Set of Data Requests addressed to National Grid on January 12, 2012
- National Grid - Request for Protective Treatment of Confidential Treatment and Objection to the Division's Motion to Compel (2/23/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 2nd set of data requests (2/9/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 1st set of data requests (2/9/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (2/29/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 3rd set of data requests (3/19/12)
- National Grid - Responses to Record Requests (4/9/12)