Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Meet the Commissioners

Chairman Ronald T. Gerwatowski

Chairman Ronald T. Gerwatowski

Ron Gerwatowski was appointed to the Public Utilities Commission as Chairman in June 2020 by Governor Gina Raimondo. His term runs through February 2026. Chairman Gerwatowski has worked in the utility and energy industry for over thirty years. Since 2018, he also has been a guest lecturer in an environmental economics class at the University of Rhode Island on small-scale renewable energy systems. He is currently a member of the Board for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and serves on the Board of Managers of the New England States Committee on Electricity as a Co-manager for the State of Rhode Island. 

He previously served as Assistant Secretary of Energy in Massachusetts in 2015, before moving to Rhode Island. Prior to that time, he served in several different legal and utility executive capacities in various jurisdictions, including Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York.

Chairman Gerwatowski graduated magna cum laude from Boston College Law School in 1985, where he served as Managing Editor of the Boston College Law Review. He has been a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association since 1991.

Commissioner Abigail Anthony

Abigail Anthony

Abigail Anthony was appointed by Governor Gina Raimondo to the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission in 2017. Commissioner Anthony is currently the Chair of the Commission on Energy Resources and the Environment of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the President of the Board of the New England Utility Cybersecurity Integration Collaborative. Previously, Commissioner Anthony was the director of Acadia Center’s Grid Modernization and Utility Reform Initiative, and the organization’s Rhode Island director. During her time as director of Acadia Center, she was appointed by Governors Carcieri and Chafee to the Rhode Island Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council, where she served from 2010 to 2017 overseeing the implementation of the state’s energy efficiency programs and policies.

Commissioner Anthony holds a PhD in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Rhode Island. She received her MA and BA in economics from the University of Montana.

Abigail is a lifelong resident of Jamestown.