Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

RI Regulated Water Suppliers


(5/8" Meter)

Kent County Water Authority Tariff



$5.235 / HCF (5/8" - 2" meters)

$5.565 / HCF (3" - 4" meters)

$5.105 / HCF (6" meters and up)

Medium Compound w/bypass (3" to 4" meters) $5.564

Large Compound w/ bypass (6" meters and up) $5.105

$15.10 Quarterly

Newport Water Department Tariff


Residential: $10.40/1000 Gals.

Nonresidential: $11.22/1000 Gals.

$5.23 Monthly

Pawtucket Water Supply Board Tariff


Class (meter size)

Small (5/8 -1") – $4.254 / HCF

Large (> 1") – $4.000 / HCF

$11.02 Monthly#

Providence Water Supply Board Tariff


$3.830/ HCF Residential Customers

$4.014 / HCF Commercial Customers

$3.650 / HCF Industrial Customers

$10.35 Monthly #

Suez Water - Rhode Island


$3.308/HCF for 1st 24 HCF/Month

$4.520/HCF over 24 HCF/Month

$11.75 Monthly

Woonsocket Water Department Tariff



$19.42 Quarterly#

*Service charges vary with meter size.

#Pursuant to RIGL 39-3-11.1(c) and 45-39-4 customers of the Providence Water Supply Board who are located in Providence; customers of the Pawtucket Water Supply Board who are located in Pawtucket; and the customers of the Woonsocket Water Department located in Woonsocket will be charged a Fire Protection Charge in addition to a Service Charge. The charges in the three municipalities are:

Pawtucket - $5.058/ monthly

Providence - $1.82/ monthly

Woonsocket - $0/Quarterly

HCF = Hundred Cubic Feet (748 gallons).