Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Grid Connectivity and Functionality

Power Sector Transformation - Grid Connectivity and Capabilities Work Stream

Advanced Grid Capabilities and Questions for Stakeholders August 20, 2017

Many of the new technologies and services that have the potential to give customers greater control over the electric usage, to create a more flexible electrical system and to enable more clean energy resources depend upon meters that can communicate automatically with a central data system and provide many kinds of data about the time and type of electrical usage. These questions solicit stakeholder input on many aspects of advanced meter functionality. In response to technical meetings held on May 9th, June 15th and July 31st, stakeholders are invited to provide responses. Stakeholders may choose to respond to a selection of the questions. Responses should be submitted by email by September 8th, 2017.

Stakeholder Comments:

Grid Connectivity, May 9th. 845-2pm. At The Tech Collective, 166 Valley Street, Providence Agenda

Whose Box is it Anyway? -- Advanced Meter and Line Automation Functionality Challenges and Opportunities - June 15th, 2017