Docket No. SB-2021-04

The Narragansett Electric Company Application For A License To Mobilize And Operate A Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Vaporization Facility At Old Mill Lane (Portsmouth, RI)

RI EFSB Notices, Orders, and Materials


Advisory Opinions 

Motions to Intervene and Notices of Intervention

Parties’ memoranda on topics to be considered at the July 2022 Preliminary Hearing  


Parties' Post-Hearing Briefs:

Petition for Waiver Extension (Winter 2021-2022)

Petition for Second Waiver Extension (Winter 2022-2023) 

Petition for Third Waiver Extension (Winter 2023-2024)

National Grid Notice(s) of Temporary LNG Mobilization

Enbridge Natural Gas Pipeline Maintenance Project

Narragansett Electric’s Monthly Reports Regarding the Status of the Supplemental Application

Written Public Comment Filings